Jumaat, 5 Jun 2020

Into the Xin Shidai

My descendants,
By the time it was here without anyone noticed,
A micro-parasites who had to, has done it,
A silent killer, a mini executioner and the bat death.
And so it came, a deathly sneeze and the Xin Shidai.
It was the tick where tock is the shortest,
It was the mankind who breath in white,
It was food are now precious as gold,
And the whole world is happier than it has ever been.

But mistake that my generations always does,
We are having more trouble into some coming,
After the sickness done it work to the world,
The green limitation gonna scares peoples here,
The eatable substance is barely can be ate anymore,
And ever since that, swords and bows will happened,
But we are not prepare for since we already dying,
And the Xin shidai is covering all the land and seas,
Pandemia oh pandemia.

I see you, my descendants, now as a baby,
Who was fragile and lovable man-beginner,
As you need to love and to be loved,
It really sad, as you smile while people surviving,
One day, when the secrets of the world is revealed,
You must stand that ground my generation stood,
For million years, and say to the burden of mankind,
Say it with your heart burning and minimise you fear,
That earth is closed today and we all races are as one now.

Love, Mrteenager3D

Ahad, 23 Februari 2020

Penyesalan zaman muda

aku punyai cinta,
cinta anta permana,
cinta yang membawa ke syurga,
cinta sebuah keluarga.

aku punyai masa,
lapangnya masa terisi,
seharusnya dengan amalan,
dipenuhi dengan pahala.

Akhir sekali,
aku punya kekuatan,
sihat tubuh badan ini,
mampu mendirikan 5 tiang,
sedekah diamal.

cintaku aku abaikan,
masaku penuh dengan dosa,
dengan bantuan tubuh ini,
telah rosaklah zaman mudaku.

Selasa, 18 Disember 2018

bargain with demon

You have been given a pair of eyes that can see what people can't
You have been given a pair of ears that can listen to unseen myth
You have been given a pair of hands that know how to touch them
You have been given a tongue that can drag innocents into your hell
You have been given a lips that can make people kiss you addictly
But every goods come with prices and that we call business fair.

We took the strength of your knees, make it weak as sticks
We make all the girls you ever love will not into you again
We gave your face sinusitis and you stomach gastritis
We gave your parents a lot of responsibility so they will ignore you.
And from that we gave you depressions and mental illness
We make sure you live your maniac life painfully forever.

Selasa, 24 Julai 2018

day dreaming, night thinking

Another day with another smile,
Yet the sweetest of them is far miles,
Under a small hut I tasted the smile,

Never thought that we could work,
Until you touches my rock-hard heart,
Riot in my brain stops by what do we call,
Aahhh, something like affection and love,
Zebra crossing could never separate roads,
At the moment just to help people through,
Like us, a league feels like a step foward,
I miss your smile, your kiss, your love,
Not even a sleep I could take it as deep,
As the sleep I slept dreaming about you.

Khamis, 5 Julai 2018

Curse of Loop

When the kid offerred him the prize,
he put his soul as the bet in the game,
he dies into the lies and fell to cries,
then he blame us for what he did before,
with smile of them, he crawled back up,
and become one of them, and he likes it.

Staring from the balcony is the man,
smiling, hide behind the cigarette,
absorbing the deep energy of his sins,
turn it into what we call dark magic,
redyed the grey hair into black again,
and looks younger by the false power.

He is now is an innocent looked kid,
hiding his agenda under a smile,
and he meet a man who was pure,
promote him with tons of luxury,
the kid now know that he was him,
he the one who trapped himself here.

When he offered himself the prize,
he put his soul as the bet in the game,
he dies into the lies and fell to cries,
then he blame us for what he did before,
but now he is what he is right now,
and curse of loop will never end.

Ahad, 24 Jun 2018

Cinta Pendosa

A ngkara silam menyelubung,
N awaitu iblis menyilar,
N akhoda lari ketakutan,
U ngkap sayang pembunuh,
R akus membadai kegelapan,

U mpama permaisuri tunggal,
F atamorgana sepi teralun,
A ngkara gersang jiwa terbuang,
I si hati dinyanyi hati tanpa suara,
R upa bukan sentiasa menjadi juara,
A ngkuh menjadi senjata sia-sia,
H ubungan terputus tanpa rela.


Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Why do we fight

For centuries to another centuries,
the misunderstanding religions,
causes Crusaders and Invasions.
Aren't that stupid enough for you,
just like arguing about a red ball,
while all other balls were blue.

We do agree,
of a Creator that we call God.
or Allah, which what Muslims call.

We do agree,
Adam and Eve ate the fruit.
They become all human's origin.

We do agree,
God sent Jesus the scripture, Bible,
God sent Moses the scripture, Torah.

We do agree,
Jealous brothers faked Joseph death,
with his teared shirt and goat's blood.

We do agree,
Moses can directly listen to God,
And he split the Red Sea into two,

Muslims and Christians all around the world,
it's time to change our medieval mentality,
and create the new world for our children,
give them a brighter future than we have now,
stop using our own scripture as a licence,
to keep living in hateful and unfaithful.