Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Why do we fight

For centuries to another centuries,
the misunderstanding religions,
causes Crusaders and Invasions.
Aren't that stupid enough for you,
just like arguing about a red ball,
while all other balls were blue.

We do agree,
of a Creator that we call God.
or Allah, which what Muslims call.

We do agree,
Adam and Eve ate the fruit.
They become all human's origin.

We do agree,
God sent Jesus the scripture, Bible,
God sent Moses the scripture, Torah.

We do agree,
Jealous brothers faked Joseph death,
with his teared shirt and goat's blood.

We do agree,
Moses can directly listen to God,
And he split the Red Sea into two,

Muslims and Christians all around the world,
it's time to change our medieval mentality,
and create the new world for our children,
give them a brighter future than we have now,
stop using our own scripture as a licence,
to keep living in hateful and unfaithful.


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