Ahad, 23 April 2017

Senior Apes

After the great war ended,
the white troop moved to another place
as their journey to Espiem has finished
surprisingly the master guardian, Ezqhandar
have also promoted to be a master to another forest.
Because of that, solution have been taken by them
the guardian have choose Lujij as the new master guardian.
Not just that, the royals have create a new system.
I don't really get it, but I don't like it.

As new year begin, my senior year also started
Waiting for new troop to join the journey to Espiem
But waiting for them also a long spiky turnel
So many things changes that unbelievable
The guardian have chosen Zohry as our new leader
instead of Zhamer they should choose for us
And The guardian new motto
"You Touch You Go" make us weak, very weak.
Us, Those who eat the fruit of death live fearly
Raysma as our discipline master has no compromise
And gives us time to stop taking food of death
before the month of 5.

three weeks before new troop will come,
And no more senior apes that will bullying us
That us a new senior apes but not like them
Cruel tradition like painful ride will be dissolved
But does it worth? I keep thinking that until now
One day before the first come taken
We we're asked to clean their branch
And for the last time I look at my crush's branch
empty for the last time.
Hard work from us as good sight of seniority
or it just we been forced to do

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